College Success Coaching

Most students—even those who feel well-prepared--discover that college is more challenging than they expected. First-year students, in particular, face a number of transitions all at once:

New environment-geographically, culturally, politically

  • Endless choices

  • New rules and regulations to navigate

  • More challenging academically

  • Social adjustment: diversity, drinking, dating

  • Living away from home, renegotiating relationships with parents

  • Finding the balance: academics, extracurriculars, social life, work, community engagement

  • Building new relationships, finding “your people”

  • Establishing a new identity

The good news is that you don’t need to face these challenges alone, or rely only on college staff, who have limited availability.

Louis has devoted his professional life to supporting the college students’ success. His passion is to work individually with students, focusing on their particular goals, interests, strengths, and challenges.

Throughout your college career, there will be many times when you need advice and mentoring from someone who knows your name and your story.

So, whether you’re facing specific obstacles to your success, struggling to make a decision, or just want the advice and support of a seasoned professor and adviser, Louis will work with you as your personal college success coach.”

For more information on Louis’s College Success Coaching, click here

How to Choose the Right College (Business Insider)

Thinking Critically in College (Your College-Bound Kid Podcast)

How to Make the Most of Your College Experience Academically (Shift:  College Admissions in a Changing World Podcast)

A Smarter Way to Think About College (Stanford Continuing Studies) 

What Louis’s Former Students Say