Educational Consultant
Louis has wide-ranging university administrative experience, most recently as Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of Academic Advising at Stanford University (2016-2022), where he oversaw the advising of undergraduates, New Student Orientation programs, the summer bridge program, the academic progress review system, and all requests for exception to academic policies. Prior to that, he was an Associate Dean of the College (2013-2016) and Director of the Perlman Center for Leaning and Teaching (2010-2013) at Carleton College, where he oversaw the academic advising program, the civic engagement center, and served as the designated mentor to the faculty. During his thirty-three years at Carleton, he also served as a member of the Faculty Personnel Committee (tenure committee), as chair of the Academic Standing Committee, of the Education and Curriculum Committee, of the Institutional Review Board (oversight of human subjects research), and of the strategic planning group tasked with looking into Carleton’s curriculum, among other committee assignments. He also served two terms as chair of the Religion Department.
Faculty mentoring
Teaching critical thinking, especially in addressing divisive issues
Creating a collaborative department culture
Course design
Fostering faculty research
Engaging students in faculty research
Managing institutional change
Curricular development
Effective pedagogy
Assessment strategies for faculty, courses, and programs
Academic advising
Student development
Establishing a center for learning and teaching
Faculty/student collaboration
Five Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Critical Thinkers (The Teaching Professor)
The Beating Heart of Gen Ed (Insider Higher Ed)
If We Want Free Speech, We Need to Teach It (Insider Higher Ed)
Faculty Praise for Louis's Workshops and Presentations